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April 2022

Elements of successful advertising and marketing campaigns

A goal: Do you intend to sell a new product or inform your current customers that part of your service has changed? These are examples of different goals. Once you have decided what you want to achieve with the marketing campaign, it is easier to formulate a single goal to aim for. An offer: Are […]

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It’s Time for a Website Makeover: 15 Signs Your Site is in Need of an Upgrade

Website designs can make or break an online business. Websites that are so outdated they’re not even worth visiting are something no one wants to see. Technology changes at a breakneck pace. Before you know it (or even if you do), what was once the next new thing is suddenly horribly old-fashioned. As you look

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Eight things to consider when redesigning your website

So you’ve reached this point: you can’t stand your current website anymore, and something needs to change. It’s time for a redesign. Redesigning a website is no easy feat, and there are a few things to keep in mind throughout the process. Here are eight points you ought to consider when redesigning your website 1.

Eight things to consider when redesigning your website Read More »

Critical Mistakes Small Business Owners Often Make

Below is an exciting idea. Did you know that blunders can be made at various phases of company growth that, otherwise attended to, can gradually wreck your business over months or perhaps years? Such errors exist and also are not limited to start-up business owners. Numerous start-ups, even those considered ‘successful’ since they are more

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What are the types and advantages of network marketing?

Marketing is the art of engaging the audience with your product at the right place and time. Various images pop up in our minds when we think of marketing, such as ads, social network marketing, influencers, etc. We think of the smallest grocery store in our neighborhood and look at the big brands that have

What are the types and advantages of network marketing? Read More »

Website Management: Why You Need It for Your Business

Every day, it seems like a new social media platform is being launched. And with each new platform comes the promise of easy access to a new audience. But pulling off a successful social media presence takes time and energy. Thankfully, there are affordable and effective ways to maintain a presence on these networks without

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17 Steps to Setting Effective Goals in Business

What does goal setting mean? Some individuals that struggle to accomplish their objectives can not identify them from their everyday self-development efforts. Just because you decide to run every day does not always make it a conscious objective. So let’s reevaluate the definition of goal-setting. Personal goal setting is a deliberate and explicit process that

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13 Types Of Influencer Marketing Campaigns To Complement Your Digital Marketing Strategy

We talk a lot about why influencer marketing is so important in the current digital marketing landscape, but it’s not often we talk about how to implement an influencer marketing strategy. We want to share some campaign ideas with you so you can test them out and execute different types of influencer collaboration campaigns. Regardless of

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